... Making the Web accessible to all.
This page is to serve as the trophy case of HTMLHelp.com. That being the case, we shall feel free to brag and generally post things here which shine a favorable light upon us. If you run across articles about us we would sincerely appreciate it if you would let us know. Almost all of these comments were sent to us or pointed out by friends and visitors as we have little or no time to seek them out ourselves.
Web designers interesting in creating browser-independent and even platform-independent pages will find useful resources at the home page of the Web Design Group, a band of eight HTML authors from various countries who have mounted a volunteer effort to promote "valid and creative HTML".
In the old Uncle Scrooge comic books from Disney, the title character's avarice was so extreme that he kept all his riches in a bin the size of a highrise, chiefly so he could swim in his money. 'I love to dive around in it like a porpoise!' he would shout. 'And burrow around in it like a gopher! And toss it up and let it hit me on the head!' This site is like that money bin, except its lucky visitors are swimming in informational riches. The depth and breadth of information make this a premiere Webmaster resource.
To start things off, I'd like to point you to one of the best resources I've seen for dealing with the new world of stylesheets. The Cascading Style Sheet Reference, put together by John�Pozadzides and Liam�Quinn, is a deep and easy-to-use guide for learning and exploiting the power of this popular technology.
Not only do John and Liam point to an extensive array of reference material already online at the W3 and Microsoft sites, but they also provide both beginner and expert advice on the language, techniques, and backwards compatibility issues. They carefully weigh the pros and cons of relying on stylesheets for unique presentation effects, and examine how linked style can be an efficient and powerful way to manage Web sites. This reference guide is part of the larger HTML Help site, maintained by the Web Design Group - a crucial bookmark for anyone working on the Web today.
The Web Design Group, an organization devoted to helping Web-site developers produce the best possible sites, has put together an excellent resource. Highlights include an extensive HTML tutorial, design tutorials, advice on graphics, a beginner's guide, explanation of all the current HTML tags, and a complete glossary of technical terms.
The Web Design Group presents a comprehensive list of the HTML 3.2 features, in a very user-friendly format...
Contains excellent HTML Reference materials, a good collection of HTML-related links, and an inline HTMLHelp BBS where you can ask questions.
If interested in the development of the HTML DTD 3.2 (Wilbur), the Introduction to HTML 3.2 by the World Wide Web Consortium is a must read, as well as the HTML 3.2 reference, by Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet and company.
Lots of well written advice on how to create a web site which will work with all browsers and still look great no matter what computer or web browser a user owns.
Le web pour tous�!
Les cr�ateurs du "groupe de design de sites web" ont pens� aux araign�es novices impatientes de contribuer � agrandir la toile mais ne sachant par quel bout s'y prendre. Le groupe fournit un contenu propre et une liste de liens sur d'autres serveurs de r�f�rence. Se poser quelque temps -�et m�me revenir�- chez ces propagateurs de la technique Internet permet principalement de s'initier au langage HTML. Les questions � ces profs altruistes d'un genre particulier sont aussi les bienvenues.
A very good help file that can make an expert html coder out of anyone who can read English. This is not a simplistic piece of work but not too esoteric either that we all can learn something reading it. Check it out and bookmark their homepage too, nice place to seek help with your web design needs.
A windows help file that handles all the HTML 3.2 tags, in an easy to reference format.
Excellent help file to add to your HTML editor.
WDG now has an HTML 3.2 reference in windows help file format, an invaluable guide for authors.
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